New Features

The improvements I wanted to make started by seeing how it could have a win and lose condition.

The enemies now turn and chase the player using a NavMesh system, and if they are close enough they attack and cause damage. The player now has a health system and a health bar on a Canvas to give feedback. If they are defeated by the enemies, the game will restart.

I distributed the objectives throughout the city and highlighted them using lights. The player has to get one of each: Hot Dog, Hamburger, Soda, Ketchup, Mostard. If they do that, they win!

Some features are not completed, but I'd like to finish implementing:

* Health collectibles to heal the player

* Collected coins give more time for the player to finish the objective

* After damaging the ingredients, they would drop a 'miniature' version that could be picked up. Then it would be added to the HUD so the player knows how many parts of the objective they have and how many are still missing.

* The win condition is picking up all the ingredients without dying or having the time run out

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